Diagnostic Features
The Seisco Tankless Water Heating Systems are easy to service and have built in diagnostics to aid the service technician. There are several features designed to make servicing as simple as possible.
- Self-diagnostic codes help to quickly identify a defective component or circuit. These codes can be accessed both visually and audibly.
- All wiring is color coded to make it easier to correctly wire the unit if the control board or any of the other components are replaced.
- The modular design makes parts removal and replacement easier.
- The heaters are upgradeable as new designs and features are added.
Seisco construction safety and diagnostic features:
Self Diagnostics
When a problem is detected in the heater, self-diagnostic codes are flashed in red by the LED status light located on the control panel. Some codes automatically reset if the problem corrects itself, such as high or low voltages. Others have to be manually reset for safety reasons, such has low water level and high temperature detection.
At start-up, it is normal for the four chamber heater to flash four red flashes with corresponding beeps and two chamber heater to flash two red flashes with corresponding beeps before returning to its normal green flashing status. After which, if the heater is not experiencing a problem, the LED light on the control panel flashes ALL GREEN. When a problem is detected, the same LED light will alternate a RED flashing diagnostic code. With the activation of the audible, the same code will beep out the diagnostic code that can be heard by a service technician over the phone.
Each diagnostic code uses a 3 digit number. A sequence of red flashes or audible beeps contains pauses between each number that make up the 3 digit code. For instance, a 1 – 2 – 2 will have one red flash or beep separated by the next digit with a pause, then 2 quick red flashes or beeps, followed by a pause and then 2 more quick red flashes or beeps, followed by a green flash. There may be more than one diagnostic code, but it will always repeat them in the same sequence. So it is necessary to read all codes before determining corrective service to the heater. As long as the problem with the heater exists, the red flashes will continue to repeat until the problem with the heater is corrected.
It may be easier or necessary in some instances to hear the diagnostic code. This can be done by activating the audible diagnostic code by simply pressing the blue button on the control board. The audible can be activated by the customer for example to allow the service technician to hear the code over the phone and determine the problem. Also, this enables the technician to know what parts may be necessary for repairs. A complete list of codes and their meanings can be found in the Trouble Shooting and Self Diagnostic Code Tables of this section.
Color Coded Wiring
All wires, that are part of the heater, are color coded for each specific component. For instance, the wires going to the temperature sensors (temperature sensors) are red and green. The red wire has a cap that pushes onto the stem of temperature sensors, 1, 2, 3, and 4. The inlet temperature sensor wire is bolted to the stem. The green wire has a spade connector that attaches to the side (ground) spade of the temperature sensors. Brown wires connect to the high temperature limit switches. Yellow wires connect to the low water level detectors and the leak detector. Larger black and red wires are used for the heating elements.
A combination of colors may be used on the incoming power wires that attach to the control board lugs. These wires are generally installed by the electrician and are chosen according to the code requirements. For instance, it is possible that the incoming power wires could be white and black or red and black or all black, etc. Regardless of the colors and their sequence, it is recommended to always label these wires before a board removal so that the wires are kept in phase. Labeling with masking tape and a marker or pen is suggested (i.e. starting with the top incoming wire: L11, L21, L12, L22, L13, L23, L14, L24)
Labeled Control Board
SEISCO’S control panel is labeled at each spade or connection point with the associated circuit wire. Used in conjunction with the color-coded wires, one can re-connect the circuits correctly when performing tests, trouble shooting or replacing the control board. Also, a complete wiring schematic is located on the inside of the removable protective cover.
Modular Design
The modular design of the Seisco’s heating chamber allows for easy replacement of parts. This feature also allows for the heater to be upgraded as new designs or features are introduced. New style parts can be installed with no other modifications to the basic heater.
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