Creating a spirit of caring for future generations!
From the vast perspective of space, we share a tiny blue
planet called Earth, home to all future generations...
Developing a deep sense of caring regarding future generations
helps bestow on each of us an excellent foundation for the moral and
ethical choices we make today.
Solar Direct genuinely believes that an inspired, enthusiastic vision
based on this concern for our children’s future is contagious, and will
ignite into a groundswell of significant change.
The global community stands at what many consider as a critical
and unprecedented point in human history. Solar Direct believes we
all need to actively participate in building a positive future for our
children and grandchildren.
Solar Direct encourages every person to envision how we are all
profoundly connected in an ever-flowing river of human existence,
and that our children’s children live downstream from us in time;
whatever influences we put into the river today flows to them.
Adopting a caring commitment to future generations can bring a
transcendent purpose to our everyday lives, simply based on each
choice, each action, each project large or small that we undertake.
Solar Direct’s philosophy holds that it’s a natural inborn instinct to
want to leave our children an enlightened, hopeful, and empowered
future. We only need draw upon that instinct while making helpful,
cooperative, appropriate, and some times courageous, choices.
Focusing on this natural instinct helps bring the considerable array
of global issues down to what we as individuals can do to contribute
positively each day; actions that are worthwhile and enduring.
Solar Direct is striving to think strategic, on a scale far beyond
what feels safe to believe it can achieve, because true social change
requires great vision, creativity, enthusiasm, risk, and a bright spark
of idealism that believes this world can evolve into a sustainable,
thriving, and peaceful place for all of our children’s children!
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