Alternative solutions for home, business, and industry
Solar Direct is the renewable market's premiere one-stop
source for
a wide spectrum of products and services
Solar Direct not only hosts the Internet’s top visited e-commerce
destination for renewable technology, the Energy SuperMarket,
Solar Direct also provides a wide range of traditional offline
for residential, commercial, recreational, industrial, agricultural,
educational, governmental, and all offgrid applications:
- Solar Water Heating Systems
Residential Applications; Solar Water Heating [SWH]
combines greatest return on investment and most efficient
form of solar energy currently available. SWH is affordable
and immediate way to start dramatically reducing electric,
propane, or natural gas utility costs. Active and Passive
residential SWH systems are both available. More»
Renewable Energy Tax Credits! More»
Parts and Supplies; all Solar Water Heating Systems
and DIY Kits are supported by complete line of solar water
heating parts and supplies, along with many system
enhancing accessories;
For Active Solar heaters: collector panels, glazing,
changeout panels, absorbers, mounting hardware, struts,
solar hot water storage tanks, drain pans, thermostats,
elements, controls, pumps, valves, pressure relief valves,
vacuum breakers, air vents, freeze protection valves,
active heat exchangers, pressure expansion tanks and
anti-freeze transfer fluids. More»
For Passive Solar Heaters: collector panels, glazing,
changeout panels, mounting hardware, struts, valves,
and fittings. More»
For Tankless Heaters: electronic components, plumbing
components, temperature remote controllers, back flow
prevention vents, mounting brackets for both electric and
gas models. More»
For Instant Water Heaters: pumps, valves, fittings,
remote wireless motion sensors and transmitters, controls
and thermostats. More»
For Solar Showers: solar heating cylinders, controls,
nozzles, fittings, extra daisy-chain tubes. More»
Commercial Applications; corporate, institutional,
governmental, educational, and non-profits all incorporate
solar energy in reducing staggering costs of water heating.
Organizations of various types - condominium and gated
community, motel, hotel and private resort, sports complex,
boat marina, RV, park and recreation camp, campus, school
and dormitory, hospital, clinic and crisis center, industrial
plant and warehouse, agricultural and livestock ranch,
cottage and vacation rental, island beach resort and spa can
all experience significant energy cost reductions along with
immediate, dramatic lowering of daily operating expenses.
SWH has a reputation for reliable operation, cost effective
performance, even stand up to hurricane force sustained
winds of 180 mph and gusts in excess of 230 mph. More»
- Solar PV Lighting Systems
Residential Applications; cost-effective, 100% sun
powered - no electric bills! Solar LED lights are powered by
photovoltaic modules that generate electricity.
Self-contained with no wiring required, no trenching under
sidewalks, or landscaping. Great for environment, solar PV
panels reduce fossil fuel consumption and pollution. More»
Available for wide variety of applications; do-it-yourself kits,
or complete custom designed packages:
Security Lighting; motion sensor activated for storage
unit, deck, yard, garage, carport, porch, back door entrance,
RV, cabin, camper. Optional alarm, increase safety! More»
Indoor Lighting; reduce energy usage by 2/3 for home or
small business. Quality units. Blackout security. More»
Outdoor Lighting; fluorescent or LED lighting improves
nighttime safety by illuminating hazards and brightening
darkened areas around home. Sun charges batteries by day,
turns on automatically at night - works on cloudy days!
Landscaping décor and safety accents for pool area, deck,
patio, garden, driveway, walk, path markers, yard, porch,
floating in pool or fountain, and tabletop accent. More»
Commercial Applications; solar fluorescent or LED lights
are powered by photovoltaic modules that generate power.
Self-contained industrial grade systems serve remote off-grid
locations, eliminating need for running power cables, meters,
or transformers, avoids trenching through existing roads,
sidewalks, or landscaping.
Available for wide variety of applications; complete custom
designed packages or do-it-yourself kits:
Marine Lighting; industrial grade, unsurpassed durability
for reliable operation 365 days a year from any geographic
location worldwide, minimum or no maintenance required! Battery backup allows operation for 3 weeks without sun.
Provides navigational or hazard markings on ports, lakes,
rivers, oceans - virtually all navigable bodies of water for
public, private, and commercial marinas, airfields, terminals,
boat docks, anchorage, marker, mooring, and navigational
buoys, harbor entrances, breakwater and channel markers,
barges, bridges, offshore reefs and wrecks, dredging lines,
oil containment booms, offshore drilling platforms, dive
platforms, swim rafts, aquaculture farm perimeters. More»
Signage Lighting; fully custom engineered systems include
photovoltaic panels, illuminating fixtures, electronic controller,
and everything required for automatic off-grid operation.
Industrial grade systems provide lighting for billboards,
highway signs, gates and main entrance signs, remote area
lighting - guard houses, parks, campgrounds, recreation area restrooms, parking lot, and security camera systems. More»
Street Lighting; self contained systems providing reliable
operation 365 days a year for use on roadways, parking and
storage lots, remote developments and parks, community
entrances, jogging and bike paths, warning signals. More»
Solar PV Electric Systems
Residential Applications; from DIY Modular Starter Kits
with the ability to expand into total energy independence for
entry-level solar photovoltaic [PV], to fully custom engineered
and configured systems utilizing both grid-interconnection or
off-grid capabilities.
Renewable Energy Tax Credits! More»
DIY Modular Starter Kits provide a highly cost efficient, ideal
grow-as-you-go solution when stand-alone renewable power
systems are ultimately desired, or required, for off-the-grid
energy independent and sustainable living, based on family
security precautions and environmentally sensitive concerns
for the planet.
All residential applications in rural, suburban, urban, and
inner-city locations provide immediate, reliable home power
solutions, regular monthly utility savings, power backup for
short-term blackout and disaster protection for both home
and small home-based businesses, and protection from utility
rate hikes - advancing from energy self-sufficiency into full
energy independence.
DIY Kits are also available for specific functions, along with
individual components, all parts and accessories, and even
for portable power applications. More»
Parts and Supplies; all DIY Modular Starter Kits, all fully
custom engineered and configured systems, and commercial
applications utilizing both grid-interconnection or off-grid
capabilities are all supported by a complete line of solar PV
electrical parts and supplies; solar PV panels, single and
multi-and poly-crystalline silicon PV [photovoltaic] modules
for off-grid [stand-alone] and grid-interconnected [grid-tie],
solar charge controllers, grid-interactive inverters, deep-cycle
back-up power batteries, solar panel fixed mounting racks,
single and dual axis tracking units, miscellaneous hardware
such as combiners and disconnects, battery accessories,
fuses, breakers - allowing easy expansion or repair of
types of systems, including Solar Freedom Package. More»
Commercial Applications; fully custom engineered
configured systems utilizing grid-interconnection or off-grid
capabilities for backup protection, significant energy savings,
energy self-sufficiency, or full energy independence.
All commercial applications in off-grid, rural, suburban,
urban, and inner-city locations provide cost effective power
solutions for organizations of various types - condominium
and gated community, motel, hotel, and private resort, sports
complex, boat marina, RV, park, recreation camp, campus, school, dormitory, hospital, clinic, industrial plant,
agricultural and livestock ranch, cottage, vacation rental,
island beach resort and spa - can all experience significant
energy cost reductions along with immediate, dramatic
lowering of daily operating expenses. More»
Renewable Energy Tax Credits! More»
Recreational Applications; flexible and mobile, PV power
reduces or eliminates generator dependence, and provides
free, quiet, clean, and safe power for recharging batteries,
is a rugged, reliable, lightweight, easy-to-store power source
for operating small appliances such as lighting, radios, and
refrigerators and freezers found in recreational vehicles,
and navigation and communication equipment used aboard
boats of all sizes.
Solar PV powers portable equipment enjoyed by outdoor
lovers such as campers, amateur and pro photographers,
and all eco-enthusiasts and their families who use electronic
devices such as digital cameras, laptop and notebook style
computers, cell phones, MP3 players, and portable games
in remote settings.
Solar PV power also works effectively for extreme sports
and adventure seekers such as hikers, remote trekkers, rock
and mountain climbers, lightweight backpackers, backcountry
skiers, mountain bikers, long distance road cyclists, 4x4ers,
wilderness fishermen, hunters, canoeing, touring kayakers
and river rafters, SCUBA divers, research scientists, and all
daring explorers whose lives often depend on advanced field
communications, battery maintenance, or constant power for
satellite phones, walkie-talkies, ship-to-shore radios, cell
phones, GPS units, lanterns, flashlights, headlamps, lighting,
and emergency power. More»
Consumer Ready Applications; flexible solar panels
provide true rollability for integrated portable solar powered
battery charging system, offers ultimate in easy-to-transport
remote power for recreational, professional, and emergency
or medical support in the charging or direct powering of 12V
wireless electronic systems utilizing almost all Lithium, NiCad,
or NiMH batteries. Entire panel system rolls into tube shape
for total ease of transportation, shipping, and on-site storage.
All accessories, cables, and adapters are available. More»
- Energy Savings Systems
Residential Applications; energy efficient appliances,
electrical power saving products, and water saving products
offer major financial savings during the washing of clothes,
cooking of meals, refrigeration and freezing of food, bathing,
showering, heating of water, lighting of home and garden,
and other heavy energy consuming household tasks. More»
- Pool and Spa Heating Systems
Residential Applications; from DIY Kits for an average
skilled handy-person, up to custom engineered and installed
systems, solar pool heaters, heat pump pool heaters, and
gas pool heaters provide three unique and effective systems
to maximize swimming pleasure by gently warming the pool,
plus the swimming season can be dramatically extended -
even in cooler climates - by as much as 50 percent with
solar performing year round in warmer climates. More»
Renewable Energy Tax Credits! More»
Solar Pool and/or Spa Heaters; utilizes free energy from
the sun, is eco-friendly technology with zero operating costs,
generates heat worldwide, even in colder climates, maintains
an 80-85°F or greater pool temperature, with option of being
complemented with electronic controller unit that prioritizes
automatically between heating pool and/or spa.
Kits are configured in Standard, Deluxe, or Premium,
with each level offering more inclusive kits that incorporate
plumbing and control components and are designed for use
with all inground pools, above ground pools, and inground or
portable spa and hot tubs. More»
Heat Pump Pool and/or Spa Heaters; utilizes the sun’s
free heat by collecting and absorbing energy from the outside
air, then compressing, extracting, and transferring heat to
swimming pool and/or spa water.
Heat Pumps operate at 500-600% efficiency, have a very
low operating cost, and work well when solar heating is not
feasible. Generates heat worldwide, even in colder climates,
maintains an 80-90°F or greater pool temperature, heats spa
to toasty 104°F, the maximum legal limit, with many units
offering one-touch effortless switching between pool and spa.
Heat pump technology can efficiently collect heat from the
outdoor air down into the 45°F range. When the temperature
is 45°F or more, a heat pump can warm your pool, rain or
shine. For tropic and sub-tropic climates, this means that the
pool can be maintained at 80-90°F under almost all conditions
all year round. In cooler climates, a heat pump will greatly
extend the swimming season. More»
Gas Pool and/or Spa Heaters; utilizing a natural gas or
liquid propane burner system for the water heating process,
gas heaters offer complete trouble free dependability of
operation, and capitalize on the pool/spa investment.
Gas heaters easily and quickly warm water into 80-90°F
range, all the way up to a toasty 104 degrees, the maximum
legal limit, and dramatically extend swim season - up to
in cool climates!
When rapid heat up of pool or spa/hot tub water is required,
or a constant temperature must be maintained regardless of
outside temperature, then a gas heater may be the proper
method of heating technology.
Designed to satisfy the most demanding of pool owners,
gas heaters guarantee the perfect temperature year round,
regardless of cold weather conditions. Perfect for pools or
spas at residential and vacation home locations. More»
Parts and Supplies; all pool and spa heating DIY Kits and
Installations are supported by complete line of pool
parts and supplies, with many energy saving accessories;
new and replacement collector panels, connecting kits
and parts, plumbing kits and parts, mounting kits and parts,
repair kits and parts, system controls, control valves,
sensors, motor/actuators, 3-way valve and actuators, 2-way
diverter valves, 3-way valves, check valves, vacuum valves,
spring check valves, pressure relief combo valves, vacuum
breakers, panel adapters, miscellaneous parts, rubber
couplings, row kits, plumbing kits, split kits, double row kits,
end plugs, straps, clips, and clamps, miscellaneous fasteners,
pool water temperature sensors, and solar roof temperature
sensors. More»
Commercial Applications; organizations of various types
incorporate solar, heat pump, or gas heating in designing
light-to-heavy-duty system installations to reduce staggering
costs of pool or spa water heating - condominium and gated
community, motel, hotel and private resort, sports complex,
RV, park and recreation camp, island beach resort and spa
can experience major increase in swimming pleasure along
with a remarkable extension of swimming season,
energy cost reductions along with immediate, and in the case
of solar and heat pump use, a dramatic lowering of daily
operating expenses.
- Pool and Spa Energy Savings
Residential Applications; from DIY Kits for an average
skilled handy-person, up to custom engineered and installed
systems, pool blankets and pool covers used in conjunction
with cover rollers, HeatSavr liquid cover used in conjunction
with automatic injector pumps, spa and hot tub hinged hard
top covers, and floating spa covers, all offer major financial
savings during the heating of pools, spas and hot tubs. More»
Commercial Applications; organizations of various types
incorporate pool blankets and pool covers, HeatSavr liquid
cover, spa and hot tub hinged hard top covers, and floating
spa covers in helping to reduce the staggering costs of pool
or spa water heating - condominium and gated community,
motel, hotel and private resort, sports complex, RV, park and
recreation camp, island beach resort and spa can experience
significant energy cost reductions along with immediate and
dramatic lowering of daily operating expenses, along with
a remarkable extension of swimming season. More»
- Pool and Spa Accessories
Residential Applications; from DIY Kits for an average
skilled handy-person, up to custom engineered and installed
systems, pool chemistry controllers, automatic inground pool
cleaners, pool purifiers and cleaners, solar powered floating
water purifiers, salt-chlorine generator kits, magnetic water
conditioners, mineral pool purifiers, ultraviolet pool and spa
sanitizers, and swimming pool winter covers- all offer major
financial savings, along with the killing of unsightly algae and
harmful bacteria using nontoxic, completely safe, all natural
processes, saving on maintenance time, the elimination of
costly toxic pool chemicals and harmful chlorine levels, and
the need for pool service contracts, during the maintenance
and care of pools, spas and hot tubs. More»
Commercial Applications; organizations of various types
incorporate pool blankets and pool covers, HeatSavr liquid
cover, spa and hot tub hinged hard top covers, and floating
spa covers in helping to reduce the staggering costs of pool
or spa water heating - condominium and gated community,
motel, hotel and private resort, sports complex, RV, park and
recreation camp, island beach resort and spa can experience
significant energy cost reductions along with immediate and
dramatic lowering of daily operating expenses, along with
a remarkable extension of swimming season. More»
- Parts and Supplies
Residential and Commercial Applications; all DIY Kits
and Installations are supported by complete line of parts
supplies for solar
water heating systems parts for both active and passive solar
heaters including tankless heaters, instant hot water
solar PV lighting systems, including marine lighting,
lighting, street lighting, and security lighting, solar
PV electric
systems DIY modular starter kits, fully custom
and configured systems utilizing both grid-interconnection or
off-grid capabilities, energy savings systems, pool and spa
heating systems, solar pool and/or spa heaters, heat pump
pool and/or spa heaters, gas pool and/or spa heaters, and
pool and spa energy savings parts and supplies. More»

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