To the Santiago Solar Home MakeOver
Personalized, Easy-to-Understand, Comprehensive |
In this informative segment, you’ll be introduced to
an outstanding Solar Home Makeover story.
Pedro Santiago and his Family have graciously
agreed to share their unique experience with others,
and the reader can follow the entire process with
complete coverage of all systems, accompanied by
detailed step-by-step images of each stage of their
makeover installation. |
After exploring the elements of this introduction,
you will take away an overall understanding of the
dynamics of a complete conversion; costs, savings,
return on investment, how each system functions,
plus installation details, even the green benefits!
Once you’ve viewed the basics of each technology
you can visualize your own makeover utilizing one,
or all three of the main systems, or compliment
them with energy saving devices also presented.
Embarking on your own green journey - by simply
initiating a modest start now - is the option most of
the eco-conscience individuals are succeeding with;
building on each success as they advance toward
full energy independence.
Please enjoy the Santiago’s lifestyle transformation! |
Your Energy Independence!
As the world enters a
new millennium, a rapidly
growing number of
pioneers are following their hearts…
seeking freedom.
They aren’t moving West in covered wagons to find their new
independence, but they are breaking new trails forward.
“We’re discovering creative ways to become totally
self-sustaining; we’re on a quest right where we live!”
These enterprising individuals have dramatically altered
their world view, choosing to leave behind old belief systems,
and venture into progressive new territory where contemporary technology and their trailblazing spirit merge to form a bright
and rewarding self-reliant future.
Solar. It’s not just for tree-huggers anymore! |

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