VORTEX Solar Pool Heating

Solar Pool Heaters are the most effective, best value and best
environmental choice for heating your pool no matter what climate
your pool is in.
Solar Pool Heater Benefits:
• Can extend swimming season
• up to 12 months depending on
• location*
• Ave. temp. rise up to 15-20º
• Have no operating costs
• No pollution, no fuel needed
• Usually last 20+ years
• Have a 10 Year warranty
• Quick and easy installation
• Minimal maintenance required |
* Click here to calculate your solar pool heater system size and determine the potential swimming season in your area.

A properly sized solar system will effectively raise temperatures well
into the 80°F range. In addition to raising the water temperature,
your swimming season can be extended in cooler climates by as
much as 100 percent, and performs year round in warmer climates.
There may be short periods during inclement weather when the pool
water becomes cooler; however, a little sunny weather will return the
pool back to a comfortable temperature. Solar pool heating systems
are best suited for recreational pools, but can be easily designed for
commercial and industrial applications.

Fully Installed Systems
Over 35,000 satisfied customers served since 1986!
Solar Direct has over 25 years of experience in commercial and
residential solar pool heating. Installation services available
throughout Florida and on a limited basis in other areas of the U.S.
Contact us for installation information.
Do-It-Yourself Kits
Standard Kit - Comes with required number of panels, plus all the
connecting and mounting hardware necessary for panel installation.
Ideal for replacing existing systems, or to add your own plumbing
and control components to construct a new system. Kit Contents
Deluxe Kit - The Deluxe System Kit comes with all the components
included with the Standard Kit, plus a generous supply of additional
components and fittings designed to enhance the systems ease of
installation, performance, and user-friendliness. Kit Contents
Premium Kit - For maximum control of temperature. Premium kit
comes with required number of panels, the connecting and mounting
hardware that is included with the Standard Kit, all the time and labor
saving additional components that are provided with a Deluxe Kit plus
automatic controllers for temperature regulation. Kit Contents
System Sizing
Pool Size |
Pick a Solar Panel Kit |
12'x24' |
3 - 4'x12' |
.50 |
12.5'x13.75' |
4 - 4'x10' |
.56 |
10.5'x18' |
5 - 4'x8' |
.56 |
8.5'x22.25' |
14'x28' |
4 - 4'x12' |
.49 |
12.5'x18' |
5 - 4'x10' |
.51 |
10.5'x22.25'' |
6 - 4'x8' |
.49 |
8.5'x26.5' |
15'x30' |
5 - 4'x12' |
.53 |
12.5'x22.25' |
6 - 4'x10' |
.53 |
10.5'x26.5'' |
7 - 4'x8' |
.50 |
8.5'x30.75' |
16'x32' |
6 - 4'x12' |
.56 |
12.5'x26.5' |
7 - 4'x10' |
.55 |
10.5'x30.75'' |
8 - 4'x8' |
.50 |
8.5'x34' |
18'x36' |
7 - 4'x12' |
.52 |
12.5'x30.75' |
8 - 4'x10' |
.49 |
10.5'x34'' |
10 - 4'x8' |
.49 |
8.5'x43.5' |
20'x40' |
8 - 4'x12' |
.48 |
12.5'x34' |
10 - 4'x10' |
.50 |
10.5'x43.5'' |
12 - 4'x8' |
.48 |
8.5'x52' |
9 - 4'x12' |
.54 |
12.5'x39.25' |
10 - 4'x12' |
.60 |
12.5'x43.5' |
1Sizing Factor
Systems shown in the QuickSize Chart above will heat your pool up
to ten degrees above an un-heated pool during the standard
swimming season under normal conditions. If your pool has shading,
high winds, the solar panels will face east, west or flat instead of
south, or you will not be using a Pool Blanket to retain heat at night,
you should consider a larger heater. If any of these conditions exist,
To raise the temperature up to 20 degrees above an un-heated
pool Plus extend and maximize your swimming season, use the
automated sizing calculator or manual sizing form to determine
the correct size heater.
To view the potential swimming season for
your area, review the Insolation Chart.
2Roof Area Required
Panels are installed in a horizontal row. The panels can be split to
circumvent obstacles on the roof or to turn the corner onto another
roof. Order (1) Split Kit & (1) Panel Kit for each split. Panels can
also be installed in multiple rows above each other on the same roof.
Order (1) Double Row Kit & (1) Panel Kit for each double row.
Different size panels can be combined or custom sizes used to
accommodate various roof shapes.
Automated Sizing Calculator